
What Are The Best Affiliate Businesses Today?

Affiliate style businesses are generally thought of as online ventures, which is partly true, but affiliate networks run both online and offline.

One of the biggest advantages to understanding how these operations work is that once you have set up your own personal sales funnels to bring customers and sales to an affiliate network is that you can repeat a similar process for another network. This results in a passive income via funnels that generally don’t need to be tweaked too much. The question is how do you get started with an affiliate based business that is going to bring in a guaranteed income?

The bad news is that there is no such thing as a guaranteed income, but the good news is that there are plenty of people that are becoming successful affiliate markers every day. If you do want to pursue a career as an affiliate marketer, then you will need to find the best affiliate marketing niche that is trending or have your ear to the ground for products or services that up and coming i.e. they are about to trend.

Learning How To Deal With Failure

At the moment within affiliate networks, the people that are already successful have been in the business for some time now. They already have several established sales funnels or sales funnel strategies that they know will work in certain niche industries. The question is how did they get to where they are in the first place?

They tried and tested, and they were not scared of failure. Every affiliate marketers, aside from a very small percentage of lucky affiliates, has failed. They may have continued to produce subpar results, total failures, or have had short-lived results. The one thing that has ended up making successful is their ability to learn from their failures.

Dealing with failure can be made better by reading the right blogs. Check out this positivity blog which helped me to stay positive and continue to move forward on my own affiliate marketing sales funnels. One of the reasons I was able to become successful by the way was not just learning to deal with failure, but to stay positive. I had an income and my whole aim was to gain financial freedom without having to work in an office. Thinking about reaching my final goal of not having to be an office from 9 to 5 motivated me the most and telling myself that I could get there.

Finding Products Trending or About To Trend

Affiliate marketing is not easy. Deciding on which product you should be focusing your efforts on requires some deep thought and research. In this section we look at three situations you could be in or even questions you will need to ask yourself before you decide on the path you will take into affiliate marketing.

  1. Selling Products That You Want To Sell: One of the quickest lessons most affiliate marketers learn is that they cannot always be successful with the products or services they want to be successful with. You may be a dog enthusiast and want to sell premium dog food because you have a passion for this product. You may know a lot about the best dog foods out there. However, maybe that niche is already saturated with influencers affiliate marketers that you will have to compete with. Plus, the product may not be one that will gain a lot of sales in exchange for the amount of time and effort you need to put into marketing and a sales funnel.
  2. Becoming An Expert In Your Niche: On the other hand, maybe you such a guru in this market that your expertise is so deep on the subject of premium dog food that you know that most of the affiliate marketers in this niche are not giving out the correct information. If that is the case, then you need to figure out how you can become an authority figure in order to educate the market better. This means you will need to become an influencer of sorts or getting the help of those that are already influencers within the dog food niche. Doing so would mean setting up resources outside of your sales funnel to first of all attract interested parties. Then you need to lead these people down your sales funnel.
  3. Become An Expert In a Niche: There are plenty of niche industries out there that you can learn about. The potential for sales could already be huge because there is a global audience and everyone needs the product you are selling. For example, you could become an expert in insurance. Everyone needs insurance, so all you need is to find the right affiliate network for insurance packages and make this your niche of expertise. You will need to find out how sales funnels in this niche work. It will take plenty of failures to break the niche and eventually start earning affiliate commissions, but once you have cracked it, the target market in insurance will always be there.

Some Of The Highest Earning Affiliate Niches

The highest earning affiliate marketing niche industries at the moment are health and fitness, online casinos, digital marketing software, and wealth and investment. These are already quite saturated niches to get involved in, but if you can build a good solid structure, then you will be able to make a start on your chosen niche. The great thing about nearly all of the niche markets is that they are always trending high. The negative side of these niche industries is that they are saturated.

To make it any of these industries as an affiliate marketer, you will need to spot a new trend and cater for that trend with advertisements, blogs, and social media.

Sometimes you may even want to think about establishing yourself before the new trend hits. For example, I knew cryptocurrencies were going to become big news. I had blogs and social media prepared for least 2 years before the market went crazy. When Bitcoin suddenly went berserk so did ETH and XRP. People started messaging me for my advice, asking how they could jump on the bandwagon.

It was not long before I had over 2,000 people signing up to crypto wallets and exchanges that I recommended. Still today every time those people use their exchange or wallet, I get a percentage of the fee. I also started an online casino website for the best cryptocurrency casinos off the back of my existing experience with my live22 affiliate site. You can see the homepage for live22 here. Not too much effort is needed for this website because it is a simple case of explaining the games in the site, getting people to download, and then sign up. It is actually one of the easiest affiliate sites I have.

Getting Help For Your Affiliate Marketing

If you have already gotten this far reading this blog then kudos to you. You are already a diligent affiliate marketer because you are willing to read reasonably lengthy blogs in order to gain as much knowledge as you can. Keep on doing what you are doing, and that is researching and reading how to improve yourself or where to start. Keep your energy levels high so you remain enthusiastic about affiliate marketing because that is the only way you are going to be successful.

There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of blogs out there that can help you. Luckily you are in a world where there are affiliate marketers out there that are willing to help you by sharing their success. For example, I like to read Neil Patel’s blog. I don’t him personally, but I call him by his first name because I feel like I do know him. His advice is 100% legitimate, and I have learned a lot from him. The good thing about Neil is that he is genuinely trying to help you; whereas, you will also come across a few unscrupulous affiliate marketers that are just there to make money out of you.

Being able to stay away from the lure of those dishonest affiliate marketers means making sure you can spot the holes in their BS. My advice is to save your money and do not go out there and start buying into people’s ideas until you have learned yourself what works and what does not work. Otherwise, you could end up doing what I did when I began, and wasting a lot of money on ideas that do not work Unfortunately back then affiliate marketing was not as informative as it is now, so I was lured in three or four times by some excellent marketing, but the end product was a scam in the end.

Do your research, get to know your market, keep on testing, don’t be scared of failure, and stay positive. You will also need to exercise a lot of patients. Do all of these things, and eventually, you will become a successful affiliate marketer.