
The Future Lies in Automated Valet Self-parking

Are you a fan of valet parking? Some people love it as they adore the feeling of somebody else parking their car. Others hate it, because they don’t trust their car in the hands of another person.

What if we told you that the newest triumph in technology is an automated valet parking?

Two big corporations, Bosch and Daimler, joined their forces to create a valet self park, a system which connects your vehicle with the garage while all you have to do is to give commands from your phone. There is no need of a driver behind the wheel. Sounds impossible, doesn’t it?

Well, it’s true. Now you won’t have to trust your vehicle to a valet, but to smart technology. Let’s learn more about this brand new automated system.

What exactly is automated valet parking?

It is a sophisticated system used in parking lots, which works in connection to the matching technology of your car.  You just need to have an application on your phone in order to commence the parking process.

For instance, you arrive in such a garage; you get out of the vehicle, open the application and press start. You are free to go anywhere you want, as the car and the garage will take care of it. Both technologies function together like a fictional valet.

When it’s time to go, you open the application again and give a command to summon your car, the car arrives itself and you are prepared to go home. Here, you can read more info on this type of automated systems.

How does it work?

As soon as you start the procedure through the application, your phone digitally connects to the garage in order to find a route to the most suitable spot for your vehicle. The system will look for a space which corresponds to the size of your car; no matter how tight it is, as AVP is capable of precise maneuvers.

After the right spot is found, the cameras in the garage make sure that the path from the vehicle to the parking space is clear. They also detect possible objects and people on the route and send a notification to warn the system. Then the car finds its way around the potential obstacles and arrives safely to its destination without any problems.

Can any garage and vehicle use AVP?

For a garage to provide this type of service, it should be equipped with the latest sensor and IT technology which are used to measure the routes within the area and to ensure maximum safety. Normally, there must be a unit to communicate with the car and establish a connection.

Similarly, not every vehicle can use AVP. It needs to have a technology which would correspond to the one of the garage.  It is supposed to have a suitable brake, steering wheel and a unit for communication with the parking lot, but also with the application in charge of commencing the driving part. Find out how an automated garage works on the following link:

What is the purpose of automated valet parking?

Firstly, the aim of this amazing system is to save your time, which would be otherwise lost in trying to park the car on your own. With this technology your obligation is just to drop and pick up the car, which will only take couple of seconds compared to your previously wasted time.

Secondly, AVP provides more safety for your vehicle as the possibility of error is minimized. You no longer have to worry about the scratches or bump made to your car while maneuvering it. Also, this system contributes to your own safety, because you won’t be looking for vacant spots in some risky garages where you might get robbed or attacked.

Thirdly, it provides better usage of the area, because with this technology the vehicles are parked in smaller spaces. Thus, the capacity of the garage is increased and there are spots available for more cars.

This service guarantees loyal customers, because there is no other service where they get the experience of dropping the car to park itself.

The difference between automated valet parking and regular valet parking

The main difference is obviously the fact that AVP doesn’t require a valet, while the regular valet parking requires a person who parks the vehicles of the clients.

Valet parking also saves people’s time as they leave the car keys to the valet and continue with their agenda. In addition, some valet services offer the possibility to take your car from the airport if you need to travel somewhere and then bring it back to you when you get back.

In this way you won’t have to worry about carrying your suitcase to the shuttle bus, which you are supposed to catch to your hotel.

However, one of the most important differences between AVP and valet parking is safety. In the latter case you must trust the valet, whether you like it or not. The destiny of your car is in his hands. You don’t have a clue where or how your car is parked. The car might be damaged when it’s returned back to you. Check this page for more advantages and disadvantages of valet parking.

On the other hand, AVP offers high level of safety, as the possibility of error which will result in car damage is almost unthinkable.

Wrap up

It’s going to take a while until the AVP system is implemented in every country. Its benefits are greater than those of the other ways of parking.

It’s not only going to save precious time of people, but it will also create conditions for serving  more vehicles, since nowadays one of the major problems is the lack of vacant spaces.

The safety measures are one of the key elements, relieving you of the trouble and stress of everyday car maneuvers.

AVP offers driverless, safe and time-saving method soon to be adopted worldwide!