
  How to Beat Your Phobia of Public Speaking


Do you have a phobia of public speaking? If so, you’re not alone. One study found that about 77% of all adults have at least some anxiety about speaking in front of a crowd.

If you do have public speaking anxiety, it’s worth tackling head-on. Almost all industries require some level of public speaking, whether it’s leading a team meeting or talking to clients and customers about new products.

The good news is that there are ways that you can conquer your phobia of public speaking–or at least learn to manage the anxieties that arise.

Read on to learn more about overcoming your public speaking anxiety and embracing the art of public speaking.

Signs That You Have a Phobia of Public Speaking

How do you know if you have a phobia of public speaking? Think back to a time when you had to speak to the public. Note if you experienced any of the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness
  • Tunnel vision
  • Nausea
  • Racing heart
  • Sweating
  • Shaking

When you have a phobia of something, thinking about doing it or actually doing it will trigger your fight-or-flight response. As a result, these symptoms may overtake your mind and body.

Managing Anxiety Symptoms

One element of overcoming your phobia of public speaking involves addressing the anxiety symptoms, themselves.

First, start with your thought patterns. Our thoughts influence our feelings and when something makes us anxious, we tend to have catastrophic thoughts.

Maybe your mind tells you things like, “I will feel dizzy and faint when I speak in public,” or, “Giving this presentation will make me throw up.” It’s important to start shifting those thoughts. Instead, think, “Even if my body reacts to my nerves, I know that I can make it through my presentation.”

Remember, your worst thoughts don’t reflect your reality or what others are thinking. Chances are, you’ve made it through public speaking events before. Rather than thinking of the ways public speaking has stressed you out, think about your prior and future success.

Boosting Self-Confidence About Public Speaking

Another element of overcoming your phobia of public speaking involves building your confidence. Improving presentation skills will alleviate any fears related to your ability to perform.

Practice delivering your presentation or speech. You don’t need to memorize a script word-for-word, but running through your presentation a few times will help you remember what you need to say–even when the nerves kick in.

As you practice, work on slowing down your cadence. When we’re nervous, we tend to speak faster. Slowing down, pausing for emphasis, and looking at your listeners helps you to connect with your audience.

Don’t Let Public Speaking Anxiety Stand in Your Way

If you have a phobia of public speaking, don’t worry. With time, effort, and practice, you can overcome your phobia and master the art of public speaking.

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