
Go For the Best Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine Manufacturers in Malaysia

Aviation is such an industry, where there is no room for small errors. Even minor trace of residue, hair, grease, or a speck of dirt on components used to build or repair airplanes from jets to rockets can cause cataclysmic accidents. These delicate, crucial parts need regular and extensive cleaning to avoid such tragic happenings. If this precision cleaning method is a conventional one, then it would be a labor-intensive, extended, and costly affair. Ultrasound cleaning technology has overcome this hurdle, as it can clean minute and lightweight to large and bulky components in few minutes using ultrasound frequency.

Ultrasonic cleaning machine manufacturers in Malaysia use the latest state of the art technology for precision cleaning of aviation parts and components. Thorough cleaning of components is of imperative importance for the safety of the flight and industry. As handling time and cost is considerably reduced by using these machines, it augments profitability to aerospace manufactures. Many renowned aerospace manufactures and airline companies outsource the cleaning process to ensure the process is profoundly done by experts. It is expensive even for large companies to maintain cleaning staff, and to train them. The lack of experience of technicians can result in catastrophic accidents.

How it works

The inbuilt generator attached to the ultrasound cleaning machine produces high-frequency electricity, which subsequently changed into sound waves by the transducer. The sound waves create vacuum bubbles in the solvent, as it moves through the liquid. The bubbles over and over again explode against the surface of the object they encounter, eradicating even minuscule dirt particles. These bubbles reach even the remotest crack, spilled, furrows, and effectively clean than any other alternative methods. Mostly water-based solvents are used for cleaning purposes, which is devoid of any toxic chemicals.

Before ultrasound cleaning, manual methods of cleaning were used. This method, which involves brushing, was insufficient to clean small cavities and blind hole as these parts were inaccessible by brush. Only brushes were not adequate to eradicate contamination. Ultrasound cleaning equipment can only reach hidden, internal nooks and can drop those contaminations and flush out eventually. The circulating flow and bubbles get rid of resilient contamination.

Further process

Ultrasound cleaning uses ultrasound waves that are not audible to the human ear. Sound is created by waves or vibration by an oscillating object. The quicker is the vibration; the higher is the pitch of the sound. Ultrasound are waves that have a frequency of 20kHw (20,000 vibrations per second), which surpass the human recognition limit. The transducers which are present in ultrasound cleaning machines vibrate rapidly to generate ultrasound waves ranging from 20kHw to 40kHw and sometimes even to as high as 1MHZ known as megasonic technology.

Summing up

Ultrasonic cleaning machine manufacturers in Malaysia is capable of creating a machine that can generate such a minuscule bubble that it would take 1,250 of them to measure a centimeter.

These bubbles eradicate any contamination such as dirt, oil, grease, carbon deposit, mold, dust, pigment compounds, and limescale. It can even eradicate fungus, bacteria, algae, and fingerprints from the objects.