
Fun Ways to Reward High-Performing Employees


It’s only natural for people to desire recognition for their efforts in the workplace. Given how much time the average adult spends behind a desk, wanting to see one’s hard work recognized and rewarded is a no-brainer. Unfortunately, not all workplaces are equally accommodating when it comes to lauding employee achievements. Unsurprisingly, this can lead to worker dissatisfaction, decreased job performance and low worker retention. Since dedicated employees are the backbone of any enterprise, it behooves businesses to reward team members as needed.

Presenting Awards

Presenting high-performing employees with awards can be an effective way to keep them motivated and illustrate how much you appreciate their efforts. When mulling over employee recognition awards ideas, you’re sure to come across a bevy of options. Trophies, plaques and miniature statues are just a few of the award options at your fingertips. Additionally, if you want to honor multiple team members at once, consider holding a formal awards ceremony. For maximum impact, these ceremonies should be followed by catered receptions and/or trips to high-end eateries.

Providing Pay Raises

While it’s always nice to receive an award, many workers would prefer something that improves their quality of life. When looking for ways to show appreciation to important team members, pay raises should always be on the table, particularly if the employee(s) in question have been with your enterprise for an extended period. The longer someone goes without a pay raise, the more stagnant they’re likely to feel – and the less enthusiasm they’re likely to have for their job. Pay dissatisfaction is among the foremost reasons businesses lose talent, and providing key employees with periodic raises can be a great way to nip this in the bud. Furthermore, if your business develops a reputation for paying stagnant wages, interest from prospective employees is liable to wane.

Making Workers CEO for the Day

Many companies have seen success with “CEO for the day” programs. As the name implies, this practice entails allowing high-performing team members to step into the role of CEO for a single workday. Of course, participants won’t literally become CEOs. Instead, they’ll be able to enact an assortment of temporary decrees. For example, allowing participants to dictate things like the dress code and lunch menu is a common practice. Participants can also use this opportunity to give inspirational speeches or honor coworkers whose efforts they value. In addition to being a lot of fun for everyone involved, “CEO for the day” programs are among the most cost-effective ways to show your employees how much they mean to your enterprise.

In light of how much time and effort most people pour into their jobs, it’s perfectly understandable for them to expect a little bit of recognition. An employee who feels like his or her contributions mean nothing is likely to be unhappy at work, and this unhappiness is practically guaranteed to be reflected in their job performance. Fortunately, when it comes to keeping members of your workforce happy, a little bit of appreciation can go a long way.