
Construction Workers: Hiring the Best People for the Best Results

From repairs to constructions, and from houses to commercial establishments and public infrastructure, there is no shortage of demand for construction workers. As such, more and more construction companies pop up to take advantage of the demand, which also means an increased demand for construction workers and staff. Unfortunately, the available labor market can’t meet the need for construction staff, making it more difficult to hire construction workers, more so SKILLED and qualified ones. We’ll be taking a look at hiring and recruitment tips for you to meet the workforce needs of your construction business or company:

It Starts with the Job Posting

If you skimp on job postings and just hang ‘Construction Workers Needed’ with a contact number or address, you’d end up having to sift through many applications, many of which won’t be qualified for the job, or would quit or decline the offer when they find out the duration or location of the project. As such, it’s important that you’re specific with your job postings; you’ll want to mention in your job posting the nature of the job, the minimum requirements (education, skills, and work experience), and the duration and location of the job. With this, you’re more likely to only receive applications from more or less qualified workers who are willing to work on a particular project.

Have Skilled and Professional Interviews and Interviewers

One of the most common pitfalls in recruitment and hiring is the lack of skilled and professional interviewers. A good interviewer won’t be swayed by flattery and can detect those who are faking the skills or credentials that they’re claiming to have. Not only that but having a level of professionalism lowers the risk of them it’s much less likely that they’ll hire people they’re close with despite their qualifications. Also, you’d want to make a standard questionnaire in order for you to get all the necessary information you need to help you decide which applicants to hire.

Evaluate Fitness and Skill

Construction work requires both skill and physical fitness, so it’s important for you to also take note of your client’s physical health. Remember, if a worker falls ill or gets injured during the job due, there’s a big chance that you’ll have to pay for their healthcare and their sick leave compensation. You also need to take into account the type of job they’ll be assigned to and the skills needed, if you’ll require them to use forklifts and other machinery or other more technical vehicles, it’s best to ask if they’ve had experience or better yet have operated them during evaluation (prior to hiring). Lastly, you have to take attention towards their personality, to see if they can work well with others and if they fit your firm or company’s culture.

Maintain Contact With Previous Employees

If your setup is that you hire temporary workers to finish specific projects, it’s important that you take note of good workers, and keep their contact information. Instead of hiring new ones, it’s better to hire those who you’ve already worked with and have proven their skill and industry. So if you’ve got a new project, try and call your previous staff to see if they’re interested and available for new projects.

Hire Through An Agency

Hiring can be quite challenging and requires a lot of time to skill to sift through many applicants. One way to make your construction company’s recruitment and hiring needs easier is to get your workforce through temporary work agencies, many of which allow you to pick and choose available and skilled workers — that way, you no longer have to screen through applicants, but actual qualified candidates. Some of these agencies also assist with temporary job contracts, so you wouldn’t have to undergo the process of terminating contracts or laying off staff.


It’s important for you to meet both the quantity and quality needs for your construction firm’s workforce, which is why it’s important to take note of these hiring tips to ensure you’re able to hire as many skilled construction workers as your projects require.