Jonathan Kim

Jonathan Kim
108 posts
Jonathan Kim is the SEO marketing specialist at Trumpia, the most complete SMS solution including mobile engagement, toll-free messaging, Smart Targeting, and advanced Automation.

Lawn Care SEO Agency Business and Marketing

Search engine optimization(SEO) is a process of improving a website so that it brings in traffic to the website which is ultimately beneficial to the website. The SEOs increases both the quality and quantity of traffic to a website. With...



In the corporate world, finding top talent for a leading position in your company is not easy. That is why many companies collaborate with executive recruitment firms to help them hire highly qualified professionals. Executive recruiting firms specialize in recruitment...


How to get ISO 29001 Certification?

ISO/TS 29001 is a certification for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industries for certain technical specification. This standard is published by International Organisation for Standards to regulate the quality management systems. Design, development, production, installation, service of products is scrutinized...


Pros of B2B eCommerce Websites

A very few people know about the benefits of establishing a Business to Business (B2B) website. An eCommerce website is helpful to provide you knowledge about the products as well as services and the prices. Further, they accept all online...

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