Jonathan Kim

Jonathan Kim
108 posts
Jonathan Kim is the SEO marketing specialist at Trumpia, the most complete SMS solution including mobile engagement, toll-free messaging, Smart Targeting, and advanced Automation.

Reliable Tamper-Evident Labels for Various Uses

In the wake of Internet and technology evolution, there is the need to protect sensitive data and ensure customer security and intellectual property privacy in different business sectors. Our smartphones, tablets, and laptops often contain sensitive information of clients and...


A Brief Guide to Purchasing a ULIP

The financial industry in India has changed a lot over the last few decades. The number of insurance companies, asset management companies and financial institutions in the country have grown exponentially. This means that there are a plethora of investment...


Digital Marketing – Internal v Agency

The last 12 months has unequivocally shown the importance of digital marketing. As businesses closed down they were forced to go online to sell their goods, where they were met with fierce competition. Digital marketing is what enables companies to...

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