Jim Merkel


Females: Life Insurance has an important role in taking care of their risks

My dear friend, nothing is static in this dynamic world. Everything is relative. Standing in the middle of 2021, society is going through a revamp. It is substantially changing its ways, styles, borders & markers. And in this change, one...


Movin’ on Up: How to Get Promoted

Can you believe 80 percent of American workers hate their jobs? There are several reasons people hate their jobs, but a lack of career progression is one of the main ones. In this article, our focus is on career progression....


What is Digital Ticketing and How Safe Is It?

In the realm of transportation, for instance, digital ticketing denotes the use of paperless ticketing that allows passengers to travel to their intended destination. Such electronic ticketing can be used to improve the management of fare collection, especially in public...


Tips to Recruit Accountant for your Business Organizations

Business organizations of this decade are lately preferring outsourcing their accounts works to service providers. Accounting services are offered by self-governing external contractors. It is affordable and also incorporates innumerable benefits. Outsourcing account works are familiar between small scale to...

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