Asbestos claims still make up a large part of the work that solicitors in the UK deal with. Despite the UK government restricting the use of asbestos in building materials, it still exists in a large number of older buildings in the country. When asbestos is destroyed and produces fibres, the inhalation of these fibres can lead to the development of unpleasant and deadly diseases.
What diseases are caused by asbestos?
Industrial disease claims regarding asbestos are numerous. Various different diseases can be caused by the dangerous dust particles. These include:
- Mesothelioma
- Diffuse pleural thickening
- Asbestosis
- Pleural plaques
- Lung cancer
- Rounded atelectasis
- Pleural effusion
If you have been inhaling the dust for a number of years, it is likely to cause serious damage and scarring of the lungs. Some of the symptoms of asbestosis can include:
- A pain in the shoulder or the chest
- Shortness of breath
- Swollen fingers
- A persistent cough
- Extreme tiredness
- Wheezing
The tests that can determine whether you have been affected by the inhalation of asbestos fibres include:
- A CT scan of your lungs
- A chest X-Ray
- A lung function test to check the capacity and correct functioning of the lungs
What industries are the highest risk for developing issues related to asbestos?
Some job roles can obviously place workers at a much higher risk of developing problems that have been caused by the inhalation of asbestos dust. These industries include:
- Painting
- Asbestos mining
- Carpentry
- Plumbing
- Building
- Electrical work
It is always important to pay close attention to any symptoms, especially if you have worked in any of these industries.
What are the treatment options?
Despite the fact that the most serious conditions that are caused by asbestos are often irreversible, some treatments can ease the symptoms of asbestosis. These treatments are:
- Oxygen therapy, where you can breathe in oxygen-rich air from a tank.
- Pulmonary rehabilitation, a programme that is designed to teach exercises and ways in which someone can manage their condition.
Claiming compensation
Whether you are a victim of an asbestos-related disease or the loved one of a victim, it is possible to claim compensation in both cases. Asbestos compensation after death is a slightly harder situation, because it is more difficult to narrow down the exact situation in which the victim was exposed. However, it is not impossible with the right legal support to gather all of the best evidence.
What are the time limits for claiming compensation for asbestos-related diseases?
There are two time limits for making a claim for asbestos or mesothelioma compensation. If you are the victim of an asbestos-related disease, then you have three years from the date of your diagnosis to make a claim. If you are the relative of someone who has suffered and passed away, then you have a further three years from the date of their death – providing that they were still in the initial three-year bracket when they died.