
Common Marketing Ploys Used By Local Criminal Lawyers


We have all come across marketing content from lawyers and law firms where they offer a clean, professional and confident image of themselves.

Whilst there is some degree of ego to proceedings, these firms are also a business that needs to attract clientele in order to survive and stay relevant.

The exact same principles apply for plumbers, electricians, private tutors, restaurants and retail outlet.

No one will do their marketing on their own behalf, so it is crucial that they engage some clever ploys that draw in the public eye and keep their brand front of mind for people who fall into hot legal water and require a criminal law expert to guide them through the case.

Being an Industry Leader

It is not enough in a crowded marketplace to simply be a solicitor who specialises in criminal law. To become an attractive proposition for defendants and victims alike, they need to be a peer within the industry who other criminal lawyers look up to for guidance and advice. That is an attribute that is not just limited to experience because solicitors can survive and be employed for decades. It will speak to their leadership credential and capacity to influence others and set the public agenda. They will be overtly ambitious characters by nature.

Educating Clients

Having a coherent educational platform is one technique that is not standard across the industry, but it can help to craft an image of being an industry leader. Defendants and individuals who are charging an assailant can gain added value by learning more about the facts of their case and what avenues they can take within the justice system. Just taking the advice of counsel is one approach, but clients who can learn about the case can see that firm as a superior option.

Strong Community Presence


Like politicians, criminal lawyers can struggle from the perception that they are out of touch with the common man. By operating in boutique firms with highly paid salaries, their actions and profession does not reflect the behaviours of the local community. To be grounded and in tune with these attitudes and perceptions, you will often see firms creating their messaging around a local presence – highlighting where they were born, raised and educated. If there is a strong word of mouth about the brand, they will integrate into the marketing strategy to build an image of a healthy and proud community presence.

Highlight Testimonials

The testimonials are arguably the greatest marketing asset that a solicitor can leverage. There are a number of different ploys that local firms can leverage to obtain more testimonials that are up to date. From prizes or discounts that offer an incentive to speak glowingly about the brand or those that are asked for following a successfully executed case, having past clients advocate for the strength and veracity of the representative and their team is a major bonus. It is perfect for marketing material as well because it allows the community not to take the solicitor at their own word, but to take the word of a third party.

Mixing Offline and Online Tactics

Any legal representative that wants to sustain their current list of clients and draw in more business to their firm, they need to run a promotional campaign that mixes offline and online strategies. The offline will center around print advertising, being present for local events, talking with community leaders and speaking on radio shows. Online strategies will include a mixture of direct email campaigns, social media and search engine optimisation (SEO) where small gains can be made according to geography and field of criminal law specialty.