
Seeking Compensation for Your Injuries that Result from a Driver’s Traffic Violation

Every driver is expected to obey traffic laws to arrive safely at their destination. Regardless of how carefully you drive your car, the decisions and behaviors of another driver can negatively affect your life. And even if an at-fault drive is issued a traffic ticket, there is little this ticket can do to address your medical bills, lost wages, and other damages if you suffer injuries in a road accident. But, if you want to get the compensation you deserve for your injuries, you should contact a personal injury lawyer los angeles as soon as possible. 

Kinds of Traffic Violations

Drivers who take chances behind the wheel put other road users at risk for life-changing injuries. Below are the common kinds of violations that can lead to serious injuries and deaths in Los Angles every year. 

  • Speeding. Driving a car at a speed that exceeds the posted limit can have serious consequences for both the violator and other drivers. Speeding can leave the driver losing control of their car, reduce the effectiveness of safety features, increase stop distance, and heighten the seriousness of injuries in an accident. Also, speeding can escalate into road rage.
  • Not yielding the Right-of-Way. Distracted driving and busy interactions can lead to crashes. The failure to yield the right-of-way can result in fatal accidents, especially if motorcycles are involved. Although the at-fault driver may face a traffic ticket, the victim may face significant life changes. 
  • Changing lanes unsafely. A driver may need to change lanes unsafely because of aggressive drinking, drowsy driving, and drunk driving. If you sustained injuries in an accident that resulted from a driver’s sudden lane change, you should contact an attorney to investigate your accident and pursue compensation for you. 

Compensation You Can Receive

Typically, your attorney will negotiate with the insurance company of the other party for a fair settlement. A lot of personal injury claims get settled outside of court. But, an attorney who has courtroom experience can present your case to a judge or jury if needed. The outcomes and compensation to expect in personal injury cases vary. But, you may be able to pursue compensation for medical expenses related to your accident injuries, lost wages, ongoing medical expenses for long-term care, possible future earnings, as well as pain and suffering. If a driver failed to follow traffic rules and caused a fatal accident, the family of the deceased party can file a wrongful death claim. An attorney can review the case to determine if pursuing legal action is right for the situation.