
Do Financial Services Really Help You?

Do you really need a financial services professional to help you plan and organize your money?

The answer is…


And here’s why.

What Most People Think and Why It’s Self-Sabotaging

The first thing many people think is that they can handle their money on their own. However, for most people, nothing could be further from the truth. Financial planning is more than just budgeting, paying bills, and attempting to save for the future.

A professional will know how to use your personal data to create projections that will help you accomplish your goals. They will also know how to factor in future inflation, as well as your investment returns. With this information, a financial services professional will be able to help you save as much as possible based on your income and spending habits.

Therefore, unless you truly know how to put all the pieces of this financial puzzle together properly, you could be sabotaging your future without even knowing it.

What a Top-Notch Financial Advisor Can Do for You

A good financial advisor will spend time with you to learn about your goals. If a potential financial advisor immediately starts pitching you on a specific investment without first gathering the facts, then you are likely not dealing with a professional, you’re dealing with a salesperson and that’s not what you want.

A good financial planner will:

  • Assess your financial situation to determine what you need to do differently.
  • Calculate how much you need to save.
  • Recommend the types of retirement accounts best suited for your situation.
  • Ascertain how much money you need to keep in an emergency fund.
  • Go over changes that would improve your tax status.
  • Determine what investment rate of return you will need to meet your long-term goals.
  • Discuss your level of investment risk for the various types of accounts you have.

A good financial planner will also go over your current and future insurance needs, as well as discussing what type of mortgage you should have and whether you should pay it off or refinance it.

What’s Next?

If you are you ready to secure your future, Contact Us today. Family Wealth Group is a financial services company who would love to schedule a private meeting with you or arrange for you to attend a financial planning seminar. Let us show you just how easy it can be to squeeze money out of a turnip and use it to plan your financial future.