
Growth in industrialization 

In today’s fast-moving twenty-first century we’re a civilization that has industrialization at its heart. We are growing and to take the whole world together we need to manufacture more. We are using various kinds of machinery and Technique Tools to increase the factories, reduce manual work. Lands are getting converted to industries. The type of labor work has changed. Communications have increased and now are in great demand. It also needs a huge capital to invest in industrialization. This invites the newest technologies. This helps the country’s government to increase export and revenues. This encourages innovation, creation, and development. It also opens windows for education and jobs in various fields. 


Industrialization brings a lot of change in our culture and society. Now the hard labor and manual work is not needed. People are replaced with machinery. Now the people are supposed to do smart work. They are the thinkers behind the innovations. Is it bad or good? Let’s have a look at both sides. 


Today we can’t imagine a world without industrialization. The industrialization has given job opportunities in various fields. It has forced the human brain to think of new ideas and be more innovative. The new machinery has increased production speed and has enhanced quality too. Now the manual labor is reduced. More import/export between the countries has started. We have started up international communications because of industrialization. We are growing economically fast because of this. It has improved the standard of living for the whole society. Modern conveniences, transportation, medical advancements, educational improvements are all examples of the goodness that was caused due to industrialization. It is one of the root cause of enlargement of cities and migration as well. Cities have become connected to each other because of this. Roads, canals and other ways built for transportation. It have brought the modern man a lot closer to each other. 



To let industrialization grow means letting acres and acres of forest lands getting destroyed. Deforestation is leading to a number of harmful effects on our nature and environment. We are ourselves harming our own future. It is causing the ozone layer depletion, pollution in water and air, increasing global warming. The quality f life has degraded and the life expectancy has reduced. It creates a disparity between the labor class and the people who have control over resources. The rich are getting richer but the condition of the poor section isn’t improving much. This is creating pressure, stress, medical and health issues very common in the general public. The industrialization has led to automation which has ended the individualism of each and every worker. They lose the job satisfaction and feel alone and alienated from society. Long working hours and bad surrounding conditions are leading to health issues diabetes, heart issues, etc.


We can’t categorize as the whole process as good or bad. We have definitely developed mentally because of this and have learned so many new things about the world and ourselves. On the other hand, we have also lost a lot. We have lost individual talents, patience and the environment quality has degraded. Right now all the countries are trying their level best to retore all the harm caused to the environment and if proper care is taken we can survive this and emerge in a better future.