

QR codes were an ingenious invention, and they allow businesses to attract attention in a compelling manner. Used correctly, QR codes can increase the effectiveness of marketing material. In addition, they can be used in a number of different ways. Here are some tips on using QR codes in a business brochure.


One of the most challenging aspects of designing a business brochure is deciding where to place technical specifications. Some believe that all specifications should be displayed prominently, but others prefer to leave certain information out to leave more room for other material. QR codes are a great way to direct readers toward a website that displays technical specifications in full. This can allow businesses to focus on the most important technical information and leave more space for promotional content.


Businesses sometimes have trouble deciding how much pricing information to place in their catalogue printing. In addition, pricing information often requires a number of disclaimers, which can detract from the look of the business brochure. By using QR codes to point users toward a website with all information, business can free up valuable space that would otherwise be spent explaining the nuances of detailed pricing models and other information.


Those who read business brochures often have a number of questions, but it can be hard to find appropriate information through a traditional website. An effective technique is using a QR code is to point users toward a page with contact information and a field for questions. This allows businesses to make contact with customers instantly and receive email addresses. Early contact is crucial for landing deals as readers often forget about what they read. Further, it will demonstrate a willingness to answer questions.


Custom apps are a great way to engage current and potential customers, but these apps often take a considerable investment to advertise properly. By using a section of a business brochure to point users toward the app, it may be possible to increase interest. There are a number of different ways to engage users through apps, but getting them to download it is often the most difficult step. Instead of spending money on expensive advertising campaigns, it will likely be far more effective to simply show links through QR codes wherever possible.

The novelty factor of QR codes is still high, so many will try out codes they see just to try out the QR programme. If they are led to an information page or shown compelling information, the likelihood attracting purchases increases significantly. Likewise, within a business interesting and out of the ordinary things the use of QR codes has been shown to improve productivity. QR codes are not just a fad, and they will remain an important part of business for the foreseeable future. By using them in a creative manner, businesses can use them to attract more attention in their brochures.


Jonathan Kim
the authorJonathan Kim
Jonathan Kim is the SEO marketing specialist at Trumpia, the most complete SMS solution including mobile engagement, toll-free messaging, Smart Targeting, and advanced Automation.